Droplets, Inc., is the sole owner of the information collected on thissite. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others inways different from what is disclosed in this statement. When you useour services, we collect information about you from various sources suchas when you register with us and when you submit inquiries to us.Specifically, when you register for MyDroplets access, you provide theuser ID and password so that you can access your MyDroplets account andspecific password-protected Droplets. We use some or all of theinformation we collect about you and how you use our products in anumber of ways. Many of these ways are not specific to you, such asusing information to better understand our users' needs, to improve ourservice, or to troubleshoot problems. We also use your information tocommunicate with you directly, such as through email. In some casesthese direct communications will be in response to your requests, suchas if you ask us for technical support. In other cases, these directcommunications will be administrative in nature, such as to communicatewith you about possible problems you or we may be having with thesoftware or the website or to let you know about software orservice-related issues.
We use industry standard efforts to safeguard the confidentiality ofyour information, such as firewalls and Secure Socket Layers, and weroutinely review our security and encryption practices and procedures.Do not lose or share your MyDroplets user ID or password. If you feelthat your password has been compromised for any reason, you shouldimmediately change your password in the My Profile section of our site.Web Tracking
We use IP addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, track user'smovement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IPaddresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. Acookie is a piece of data stored on the user's hard drive containinginformation about the user. We use cookies on our site to help youautomatically log in to your MyDroplets account or into specificDroplets, if you request such a service. Cookies we use are in no waycorrelated with information from third parties or provided to thirdparties for any reason.
If a user elects to use our referral service for informing a friendabout a Droplets application, we ask them for the friend's emailaddress. Droplets, Inc., will automatically send the friend a one-timeemail, in your name, inviting them to use the Droplets application.Droplets, Inc., stores email address information for the sole purpose ofsending this one-time email.
Droplets applications may be developed and offered to you by thirdparties. This privacy statement applies only to Droplets created byDroplets, Inc., and to our Web site, www.droplets.com. You shouldconsult the individual privacy statements of third parties beforeoffering them personal information. This web site may contains links toother sites. Please be aware that Droplets, Inc., is not responsible forthe privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to beaware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements ofeach and every web site that collects personally identifiableinformation. This privacy statement applies solely to informationcollected by this Web site.
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post changes on thispage and may notify users by way of an email or indicate that changeswere made when you access your Droplets. If you have any concerns orquestions about this policy, please contact us at privacy@droplets.com.