

Handling user events in Droplets is just like handling them in Java. The first step is importing the Droplets Event package - called com.droplets.api.event.* - into your application logic.

There are four things that your application will need in order to handle button clicks and similar user-initiated events.

1. An implementation of the ClickListener interface.

This is the object that will listen for button clicks and respond appropriately.

class clicker implements ClickListener{

2. A handleClick() method within the ClickListener.

This method will define the action that is taken whenever a particular button is clicked.

public void handleClick(ClickEvent e) {

3. A ClickEvent.

This is automatically created by the Droplets Platform whenever a button is clicked, so we simply have to include it as an argument to the handleClick() method.

handleClick(ClickEvent e)

4. A handleClick() method within the ClickListener.

Within the class in which you add your components to the GUI window, create an instance of your ClickListener, and then make a call to the button's addClickListener() method with this ClickListener as the parameter.

clicker click = new clicker(getApplication());

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