Dallas, Texas, February 2, 2005 - Droplets, Inc. has been invited to attend the Micro Focus Developer Forum 2005 to be held in Atlanta, Georgia and in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Droplets will be describing its current work and productization plans for its Rich GUI ADIS Adapter that allows COBOL ADIS screens to be automatically converted into rich, graphical, user interfaces. The events are to be held from March 13-16, 2005 in Atlanta and April 5-7, 2005 in Amsterdam. Registration information
may be obtained at the Micro Focus web site at http://www.microfocus.com
Droplets Rich GUI Adapter for ADIS makes updating Accept/Display (ADIS) green screens quick and easy. The Rich GUI Adapter can be plugged into existing Micro Focus COBOL applications by simply
re-linking the ADIS library. This initial upgrade requires no coding changes. Additional state of the art graphical components may then be added using the Droplets COBOL SDK for Micro Focus, as desired. And
all of this features a rich thin-client deployment model that keeps 100% of the application business logic on the server.
The Droplets approach fits well with Micro Focus approach. Irving Abraham, Product Management at Micro Focus, had the following to say about Droplets: “Droplets has created an Accept/Display (ADIS) adapter using its Rich Internet Application (RIA) technology that fully complements Micro Focus's goal of providing powerful, feature-rich GUIs for COBOL. The adapter is easy to plug in and allows you to immediately deploy existing applications with a new look-and-feel -- all without having to re-architect or rewrite those
The Droplets technology enables software developers to create network applications that have the rich interaction and usability of native desktop software combined with the administrative ease, universal
accessibility, and high security of server-based Web applications. Droplets applications use only approximately 10% of the network bandwidth of typical Web applications, thereby lowering enterprise costs and dramatically improving the responsiveness of applications for dial-up users and mobile wireless users. Droplets applications are cross-platform and can be accessed within Web pages or directly from PC desktops or mobile devices. The Droplets technology is able to offer these advantages because it leaves 100% of the application program code on
the server and interacts with the user through generic rich-thin client software that then interacts with the desktop operating system or the Web browser. This server-based architecture also affords Droplets applications military-grade security. Droplets applications can be written in standard Java and C++.
To learn more, please visit http://www.droplets.com/cobol.
About Droplets
Droplets, Inc. is a privately held software company with offices in Dallas, Texas and New York City. Droplets' rich-thin client software is protected by U.S. patent 6,687,745 and has been licensed by Global 1000 enterprises, U.S. armed services, ISVs, and ASPs.
Stacy Morse
Droplets, Inc.
+1 214.969.9970
© 2005 Droplets, Inc. All rights reserved. Droplets, User Interface Server, Dripline, Universal User Interface and the Droplets logo are trademarks of Droplets, Inc. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.