

Choose from our collection of useful Droplets tools below.

Download the latest Droplets SDK for Java and C++

  • Log in to the Developer Zone for the latest SDK release. Choose a Droplets Server for Windows, Linux, or Solaris.

  • If you do not have a login id, you will be prompted to sign up for a Developer account.

Activate your PC to try Droplets

  • Step 1 - To download, click here.

  • Step 2 - Run installer. When the dialog box appears, choose "Run this program from its current location", if available. Otherwise, save the file to a known directory (like c:\temp) and run it from there.

    A second box will now appear with a Security Warning. Provided the box says "Publisher authenticity is verified by Verisign...", select the "Yes" button.

  • Finally, choose "Install" to kick off the installer.

Try Droplets on other platforms and devices

  • Droplets may already run on the platform you need. Contact us online to learn more.


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