

Case studies

Companies around the world are putting Droplets to work across their enterprises. Through the case studies and video demonstrations, you'll see firsthand how Droplets technology is streamlining development, providing global access to applications, and increasing customer satisfaction for businesses in all kinds of industries.

MyDroplets Email
Our own developers created a Droplets-based email client for a standard IMAP server. Imagine the universal accessibility of Web-mail with the functionality of a desktop email program, including attachments, spell checking, sortable columns, drag-and-drop to folders, and a preview pane.

To try out our product for yourself, visit our Developer Zone and download a free evaluation copy of the Droplets SDK.

 Contact us
 Call 214.969.9970
 Fax 214.774.4900


Java Servlets Get a New Lease on Life with Droplets 

Samsung SDI Brings Droplets To Factory Floor For Real Time Monitoring 

Droplets Injection Improves Enterprise Application Usability 

Droplets Announces Linux Validation For All IBM eServer Platforms 

Borland® JBuilder™ To Include Droplets User Interface Server™ and SDK 

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